You'll Learn to...

Deliver even difficult feedback with a balance of compassion and assertiveness, using evidence-based techniques and frameworks

Reduce frustration and avoid misunderstandings in code reviews and stakeholder negotiations 

Receive and process feedback, using your personal core values as a guide for your continued growth

Create an action plan to continue applying these skills after the session

Your Guide on This Journey:

April Wensel

Founder of Compassionate Coding

April Wensel has spent 16 years working in the software industry. She has led software teams and trained software engineers around the world in communication skills with her company Compassionate Coding. For the first time in this live virtual workshop, she's making this material available to a wider audience. This is not some dry, corporate training. April's conversational style and practical approach makes this training ideal for software engineers.

Learn along with fellow engineers

This is not a one-way lecture. This is a live, hands-on workshop, which means you'll get the chance to connect with other engineers and technologists to put your new feedback skills into practice. Don't worry, dear introverts—all discussion activities are optional! Make sure to bring a pen and paper to the session for some reflection activities. ✍️ This workshop will take place on Zoom, so make you're all set up to use that. Can't make it live? No problem. A recording will be available after the session. Not an engineer? You're of course still welcome!  Feedback from previous Compassionate Coding workshop participants: "Tangible ideas and evidence about EQ! Really liked how logical it was—very helpful." "I thought it was brilliant: pedagogically sound through its short exercises with different groups, very clear focus on takeaways, steering clear of being overwhelming, and a lot of fun to do. Keep up the good work!" "Very excellent use of time and reflective thought; useful exercises; engaging content; zero fluff."   "I found this to be one of the most useful trainings on interpersonal relationships I have ever experienced.”  

Ready to Level Up Your Feedback Skills?

Ready to become a more effective engineer and leader? Make sure to ask your boss about covering the cost as part of your learning and development budget. Growing your feedback skills will benefit you, your team, and your customers. See you soon! 👋